Be Purpose-Driven

purpose Jul 10, 2020

Be Purpose-Driven

By Kenneth Burnett

Do you believe you know your life calling or have a general understanding of what is your purpose on earth, but worry about how you are going to fulfill your goals, dreams, and calling?  I want to help you overcome any self-limiting beliefs and fears.  If you do not have any clue about your purpose, this will be a starting place to help you hear more clearly the inner voice of God.

Purpose is the essence of life.  It is the reason all of creation exist.  Every living creature has a purpose, which is a role to play or function to perform on the planet fitting into the bigger picture of creation.  So it goes without saying that for a person to have maximum elevation from a low place to a higher place in life they need to be aligned with their purpose.  You were created and called to do something on earth and if you are knowingly not doing it, why should anything in life work for you?  The biblical character Jonah...

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